Week 5 with Compassionate Clowns: The Banana Song

This week was by far the most fun week we’ve ever had at St. John’s. It started out a little slow for me as I just wasn’t able to connect with any child. Generally for me, connecting with children comes naturally, but this week, it felt the opposite. As I was walking from one bed to another, I happened to pass by a mother and her child. He was eight months old with a broad smile on his face. I showed him my arms, and he jumped right into them. We walked around the ward, greeting children and the other interns. His smile remained constant. He also started playing by leaping from my hands to his mother’s and back into my arms again. He lifted my spirits. We then decided to do the Banana Song and the Fruit Salad song before moving onto the next ward. But before we could leave the ward, a few of us were stopped by a three-year-old girl; who spoke only Telugu (which none of us understood), and were given strict orders by her to keep singing the Banana song over and over...